Early mornings. Long days. Two daily practices. Emotions that range from tears to laughter, frustration to pure joy. Being in a teacher training is a empowering, transformational, all- encompassing journey that will surely send us away as very different persons to when we started.

Being in a teacher training with INBODHI means that we will expand our practice, our viewpoint and our understanding. The training will invite us to challenge assumptions that we held about the yoga practice, ourselves and others. It will show us new ways of looking at the same thing.
In two daily practices, we have the opportunity to experiment with our bodies, move beyond what we believe to be our limitations, and deepen our practice physically and emotionally.
The daily journaling post-practice allows us to deepen the knowledge of our own asana practices and to put theoretical concepts into training.
The circles give us the opportunity to share our newly found insight with fellow yogis and expand our understanding of what the asana practice means to us as an individual, and to other practitioners.
The practical sessions will provide us with all the necessary information required to make us a knowledgeable practitioners and facilitators that share the love of the practice with awareness, connection and passion.
The Foundation of it All ~ RYT 200hr Yoga Teacher Training
The RYT 200hr Ashtanga Vinyasa training is the basis of the INBODHI core teaching & philosophy. It also lays the foundation needed to the following 300hr Module trainings.
In a month-long journey, we will discover facets of ourselves and our practice that we might not have known existed. It is a life-changing process that will open doors for us, personally and professionally. The 200hr training really allows us to delve deep into our own practices, while exploring new ways that could work for us both on, and off the mat. It shares the heritage of the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice and of the It's Yoga system, the deep roots of INBODHI. We have a month to spend time within ourselves and focus on creating paths that serves us best. The training brings clarity, focus, purpose and intention.
What graduates say?
"I came to 200hr training because I wanted - I needed - consistency in my life and in my practice, and to strengthen my intuition on the path I wish to take but have not had the courage to fully articulate to myself. The tools I received and the experiences I shared and witnessed others sharing in the loving and compassionate circle have empowered me to begin my transformation, step by step, towards a more balanced and peaceful authentic ME. For this, I have nothing but gratitude."
- Ira, 200hr November 2019 Fuerteventura
"I'm so grateful I met Salla and got introduced to this philosophy. It is natural, logical, simple and deep. I feel like I really found an authentic approach to Yoga that will be there throughout my life. It was all that I was looking for, and more. It is about Inner teacher, listening to myself and to know what's good for me. It humbles. I became creative, and will welcome change in my practice, and in my life."
- Anonymous 200hr participant
Curious to learn more about INBODHI Teacher Trainings?
Go & visit our website: https://www.inbodhiyoga.com/teacher-trainings
The purpose of the Inbodhi Yoga 200hr Teacher Training is to provide a supportive environment in which you begin to connect with your inner teacher, your internal wisdom and authentic voice. Through pranayama, asana practice, mind-body journaling, group conversation, reading and guided meditation, you will practice the essential process of conscious listening to your own higher self.
We are training all year around in Europe and are looking forward to meet you in INBODHI - A Yoga Circle
